Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Day 39

Dearest Hannah
Day 39 of writing to you and I am pleased to be writing again as I missed another day yesterday! Yet, I think it was a good reason. You had spent most of the day on a train or in a car to come here! 

We arrived, had dinner and a cuddle and watched a film in bed. It was absolutely lovely and Perfect! 

Today we have had the boys but you have been here being you; something that I have loved. 

I suppose you have heard how everything has been getting on top of me and how I am juggling everything and failing in places. Since being here you have seen and experienced why. 

You, being the lovely and amazing self, have helped and sorted everything out whilst supporting me and still making is time. 

This is why I love you. 

Everything about you makes me happy and just being you is amazing. 

This just feels normal, natural and right. It's a small glimpse to our future. Of course I would be doing more but it's nice to be a team and having that back up here. I know we do it at yours but it's always lovely to have it here too. 

I now can't wait to get the kids here all together and us being our blended family self. 

This is our future and a future I am looking forward to! 

Tomorrow we are looking at schools for yours and I know you're nervous about it but it will be fine. I just hope and pray we like them! 

At the moment though you are cuddled on the sofa with the boys watching the Simpson's and it's just a lovely end to a wonderful day. Just proves why you are Hanny. 

Love you, 
