Sunday, 17 September 2017

Day 11

Dearest Hannah,
Day 11 and am still going at this; today I am tired so am lacking a little motivation to sit here and do this but I also know that I would regret not doing one if I did.

What a weird 24 hours for us.
Last night we had our TV and phone chat planned. We were planning on watching Eastenders and then the first of the two Masterchef. However, that didn’t happen. Instead A was playing up and the once great bedtime routine that meant you were free at 8.30pm had vanished and he was in your bed and didn’t want you to leave. Laying in the dark with him and the inevitable happened, you fell asleep.

I sat here waiting and each time I was giving reasons to why you were running late. “A must be running late and playing up but am sure she will be here at 9pm” or “Well it’s gone 9pm but I won’t move. Knowing my luck she will call the moment I got up and walked out of the room”. It was easy to do but within that I ended up waiting in the dark and cold for over 2 hours for you to call. I must admit, as I did when we finally spoke, that I knew once it had gone past 9pm that the likelihood is that you had probably had a rough time with him and your efforts to get him to sleep meant that you had fallen asleep too.
It was okay though. I wasn’t cross with you and you didn’t let me down by it happening. I did and still do understand how and why it happened so can’t be cross or begrudge you in that scenario. If anything I think you were more cross with yourself than I was or would have been!

The thing is, from this we had a lengthy conversation about our behaviour and specifically mine. You were very clear and sounded the most confident when you said that you wished I had just done my own thing and got on and not waited. I, as you know, took this quite hard. I thought what I was doing at that time was the right thing to do and within that would revel in the moment you do make contact; as that is usually the case. I felt that once again, my dpd and what makes me different was a really unhealthy thing and that, if anything, this is what would do us most damage. I knew you did similar things but I don’t think that I thought you actually waited for me or that you thought that you were as “bad” as me.
Then today happened.

I honestly woke up ok. Not great sleep and still tired so wasn’t in base Mary Poppins mood but was plodding along. I had in my head though what you said the night before and I was determined to throw myself into my activities today. To put my phone down, walk away a bit and come back to you, the way you come back to me and not wait. And I did this.
I told you how I woke up and sent a second message that I was collecting the boys and wouldn’t be around until I got to church. Then I turned my internet off and went to do those things. When I eventually got to church I turned my internet on and replied a couple of times until the service had started and at that point, I turned my internet off.

What I didn’t realise though until after and by reading your letter that you had felt exactly what I did and do. You knew exactly what I was doing and knew that I was trying to be proactive and creating healthy situations for both of us. Yet, you were doing everything I did the night before that you declared unhealthy like waiting frustratingly, checking messages to see when I was last online or if I had read the ones you had sent and even went a little further by checking all social media in case I had been purposefully ignoring you and chatting to others; even though you know I would never do that!
You realised this and spoke about it in your letter. It is funny how we both have done the same thing. I am not sure if this is good or bad still and we have spoken about it since. What is clear is that you fully get and understand what I felt like in those moments.

When we spoke later on I think we came to a positive conclusion though and you and I both sounded happier.
The thing is that neither of us, in our “productive” moments, purposefully ignores the other, we both think of the other and miss them and yet, one of us ends up in the waiting room scenario and feels like crap without the other.

Today’s reading at church was Romans 14 v 1 – 12 and I found it really relevant to us. We both seem to be quick to judge the others actions, both good and bad, and say how that impacts us. Yet, the reading says that we shouldn’t be the ones to judge as there is only one judge, Him. It also says that we shouldn’t judge ourselves because we are doing something different to the other, or anyone, as we are in it all together and God loves us the way we are. What I liked was the part One man judges one day as above another; another judges one day the same as all others; let each one be fully convinced in his own mind.…… 12  So, then, each of us will render an account for himself to God which means that every day will be different for each of us and we shouldn’t worry too much because God is the accountable one. In fact, when I write it like that I remember a phrase that my mum always said, which I know you have heard me say before, “Every day, only once” Each day, good or bad, we only live once.
What we both came to the conclusion of though is that we shouldn’t try and change too much about each other. We love each other for who the other is, including certain traits. Yet, these last 24 hours have been a lesson for us and I don’t think either of us will try to be too quick to jump back to this scenario. I have promised to try better situational judgement and to not just “wait” for long periods of time. I will always wait for you, it is what I do and is part of me but I won’t just wait for extensive times anymore. You have said that you will try to be more patient and understanding with what I might say in those scenarios and not fall back to thinking I’m implying things. We did speak about the contrast on days you know I am here for you compared to those I am not and although I don’t expect you or want you to change in those scenarios that I think it would benefit us both if we knew why those behavioural traits were there then.

I suppose today’s letter is long and probably repetitive to what we have been speaking about; despite my massive efforts to reduce and summarise our emotionally packed out 24 hours. I hope I summarised it well!
What is clear though is that this is a sub-section to our long distance relationship and things like this probably wouldn’t happen if we lived together or even just closer. I think that it why it should be recorded in a letter like this; it will show a progression of our relationship, good and bad, and allow us to grow stronger together. Every couple would go through transitional bumps in the road and navigate through it and I see that this is no different.

What I will do though is end on a high and will discuss why we are doing this.
We love each other and do so with great vigour. We have this unbelievable connection that just keeps on growing in all areas, spiritually, physically, sexually and personally through morals, values and personality. I have never known anything like the connection we have and one day we will have this strong future based on this connection and be side by side. In fact, we will have another sneak peak in 4 sleeps.

I truly love you with every inch of my body, mind and soul. Just your existence in my life brightens the darkest depths that follow me.
Love you,
